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Scarborough Pet Wellness Exams

Your pet can brighten your day, and you know that protecting their health is important to ensure they keep up their games and play. At Amherst Veterinary Hospital, we offer pet wellness exams to maintain your pet’s health. We love animals and are dedicated to helping your pet enjoy a healthy life.

Our team welcomes an array of cats and dogs into our clinic to enjoy our Scarborough pet wellness checks. You can trust that we will welcome you and your pet like family and treat you with respect and compassion. From kittens that need a wellness check to answering health questions about your dog, you can count on our friendly team. Contact us today to learn more about our pet wellness and preventive exams.

Why Is a Wellness Program Important?

Pets, like people, need a medical professional to perform preventive and wellness exams to ensure they’re in good health. Our team conducts a nose-to-tail exam of your pet, complete with yearly bloodwork tests, heart checks, ear exams, and more. We examine your furry friend to detect and address signs of illness as soon as possible to improve their rate of recovery and minimize the damage disease causes. By taking preventive measures and bringing your pet in for their yearly exam, you can boost your pet’s health and longevity.

Benefits of Pet Wellness

There are numerous benefits to maintaining your pet’s yearly wellness exam, including preventive measures and travel documentation. For many, the greatest benefit is the peace of mind that comes with knowing they’re taking great care of their furry friend and giving them the best and healthiest life possible. Here are some of the benefits of bringing your pet in to see our team:


Heartworm Vaccine

Heartworms are a devastating parasite that infects your pet's internal organs, including the heart. We offer an effective heartworm vaccine to protect your pet from contracting the parasite and promote their overall health.

Preventive Treatments

It's no secret that catching a disease or health condition early helps prevent it from becoming worse and requiring more expensive treatments later. That's why we offer preventive treatments to address issues at the start and boost your pet's health. From diagnosing kidney problems or diabetes to treating an infected tooth, our team consistently prioritizes preventive care so your pet enjoys a full and healthy life.

Weight Management

Your pet's weight directly impacts their overall health, which is why we offer helpful tips and insight so you can keep your furry friend healthy. When a pet carries excess weight, it wears down their joints and puts unnecessary strain on their organs because they have to work harder to sustain the pet. If a pet is underweight, they lack the necessary nutrition to function at their optimal levels. Our nutritional counseling will help your pet enjoy a healthy weight and optimal nutrients for a fully enriched life.

Certificate for International Travel

More and more people are taking their pets on vacation with them, which means your pet needs to be cleared for travel. Many countries require documentation from a veterinarian proving that your pet is current on their vaccines and is healthy enough to travel. We offer the exam, rabies blood serum level tests, and documentation you need to take your pet on your adventures abroad.

Preventive Vaccines for Pets in Scarborough

Staying current with your pet’s vaccines is essential for protecting their health. We offer the vaccinations your pet needs to protect them from parasites and illnesses transferred from other animals or ticks and fleas. Many places your pet visits expose them to illnesses like kennel cough, Lyme disease, and worms, but maintaining their vaccinations can help protect them. Our team provides the vaccines pets in Scarborough need to protect them from these preventable illnesses.

Pet Wellness Programs FAQs

You care about keeping your pet healthy, and it’s natural to have questions about the different treatments and preventive services we offer. That’s why we encourage you to share your questions and concerns. Our team is happy to provide the valuable insight and information you need to feel confident in your pet’s treatment plan. Here are some of the most common questions we receive about our pet wellness program in Scarborough:

How often should my pet have a wellness exam?

Like humans, pets should have a checkup at least once a year. If your pet is older or has a medical condition, we may recommend additional visits to monitor its health.

Do you offer emergency pet visits?

Yes. We offer emergency services, and we accept walk-ins during our normal office hours. We understand that your pet is part of your family, which is why we are committed to being there for you and your pet when you need us most.

When should I vaccinate my pet?

The appropriate age to vaccinate your pet will depend on the type of pet you have, its breed, and its age. In general, many pets receive their first round of vaccines by the time they’re four months old.

Our Pet Wellness Exams in Scarborough

Your pet has a special place in your heart, and you want to help them enjoy a full and healthy life. At Amherst Veterinary Hospital, we offer pet wellness exams in Scarborough, so your furry friend can enjoy optimal health. We are passionate about helping you and your pet enjoy cuddles and fun for many years. Our team takes the time to get to know you and your pet and creates a personalized treatment plan that meets your pet’s unique needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.